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User: [info]big_easy_magic
Date: 2010-11-10 17:48
Subject: The Crescent City Institute; on
Security: Public
Tags:fantasy, high school au, magic, pb, witch, wizard




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School Info
The Crescent City Institute of Magic is one of the best schools for Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States. Located in the culturally rich city of New Orleans, it has had its fair share of tragedy for such a praised and respected school. First was hurricane Katrina, which rocked New Orleans to its core, and the death of the headmaster as he helped the students evacuate.

This past school year has proved itself to be dramatic, interesting, and terrifying. Like any high school, CCI has had its fair share of petty drama caused by students along with the ups and downs of boarding school life. But there are other, darker, things to worry about.

Students have gone missing and creatures never known before have been spotted and attacked students. There are activists out in the streets of New Orleans trying to alert Muggles to the presence of evil Witches and Wizards. There is also a strange epidemic of missing socks.

This school year is almost finished, but this is only just the beginning.

Original characters only!

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User: [info]stereotypique
Date: 2009-07-28 12:26
Subject: a new high school rpg
Security: Public
Tags:celeb, central high school, high school au, pb, typiqual

central high school is a small public school on the east coast of the united states. inside the doors of this all-male school, ten stereotypes roam the halls in a major drama-fest. will you become the druggie who sells for a few extra bucks? will you become the school slut, who's dipped his fingers in everyone's pie? will you become the quiet bookworm in the center of a love triangle?

[info]typiqual is a new, slash-only, high school rpg revolving around the "typical" high school stereotypes. we're currently looking for celebs and original played-bys alike! it's a small, intermediate-level community looking for mature players. first adds to the community begin wednesday, july twenty-ninth.

rules || application || taken//held || the list || mod contact

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