Anomalous RPG Ads - January 28th, 2019

never thought I'd feel this good forever posting in Anomalous -- RPG Ads
User: [info]anomalous_rpgs (posted by [info]everlongwinds)
Date: 2019-01-28 18:12
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Rabbit Hearted Lions - A Jehovah's Witnesses Centric Game

Welcome to Eternal Love Falls, California. A place for Jehovah's Witnesses to not only live but recuperate from the world. It was established in the 1990's and is still being heavily built in the North end. The city has over 40,000 residents, and many affordable places to live, even more affordable than most of California. There's always wholesome fun around the corner and no one judges you for believing in God's Truth, which the residents make their own. Please do not be afraid of our rules, life is a lot easier by following them and considering this is Jehovah's Witnesses specific game, it just makes sense. We reside on dreamwidth, which allows fifteen icons but don't let that deter you.

Game Information
We open with ten applications or seven-eight players. Looking forward to seeing you there!

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