Anomalous RPG Ads - August 17th, 2009

User: [info]anomalous_rpgs (posted by [info]revelations_mod)
Date: 2009-08-17 17:21
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public




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Since the dawn of man’s existence, they have feared the creatures that embraced the night. As man stumbled along in developing, the supernatural beings had almost free range over most of Europe, parts of Asia, South America, and else where. There seemed to be no limit to the horrors they could bring over man kind- until slowly, the human caught up. In 1734 a Swiss scientist named Dr. Crivitz teamed up with a self declared vampire hunter whose name has been lost with time, and the two set up to capture a live vampire and study it. While their mission failed and the vampire had to be put down with a stake before Dr. Crivitz got to examine him, the doctor left with one conclusion: these foul creatures of the night cannot be trusted, cannot be changed, and most be killed.

Pouring his family’s wealth into labs and training facilities, Dr. Crivitz created Cavalry, so named because all the hunters originally rode on horse back. Over the decades, Cavalry became shrouded in mystery and rumor. Some claimed they were the salvation against that which bumps in the night- others questioned why they were so obsessed with simply killing, instead of study and trying to make a truce.

In the late 1800’s, Cavalry suddenly seemed to disappear from the face of the planet. All the documents on the group were gone, all evidence erased. The supernatural became a mere myth, and the world entered the 1900’s with little to no memory of Cavalry. The supernatural remained quiet, their numbers few thanks to the human hunter group- but decades of no Cavalry to hunt them led the creatures to repopulate. Smarter this time around, they hid in the shadows, remaining merely unseen.

WW2 came and left the human world in disarray. The UN slowly began to hunt to solutions to the problems the war had created, and deep in a Swiss bank account thought to hold military papers from Germany something else entirely was found- Dr. Crivitz’s papers, notes, and a brief history of the start of Cavalry. While the heads of nations ignored them as being merely the mad ravings of a man from long ago, the papers were put back into their place. US President Richard Barrowmen shrugged the whole event off, thinking the papers could rot and turn to dust in Geneva.

1998 brought change, however. One evening Richard Barrowmen Jr. walked the streets of Boston, a man himself now who was a rising senator and shoe in for the next presidential race. As he walked with his wife late at night, the two were attacked by a mad lunatic who drank his wife’s blood right out of his veins. Richard escaped with his wife, and told the tale to his ailing father, who remembered those papers hidden away in Geneva, and told his son that story.

In 2008, President Richard Barrowmen Jr. became President of the United States of America. Before the year was out, a new secret organization under the NATO was formed. It’s name?



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User: [info]anomalous_rpgs (posted by [info]ytbs_mods)
Date: 2009-08-17 18:34
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Yet To Be Saved RPG

In the south of California there’s a city that apparently had been forgotten by God. It is Venial City. Just to begin with, the city has never had priests, simply because they don’t have any church. Every time someone wants to marry or someone is born, they travel to La Sagrada, a pretty empty and very religious city next to Venial, to receive blessings or perform ceremonies.
God decides the city has been forgotten for way too long and decides to remedy things by sending two of his angels to take care of the population there: Harachel and Machidiel. The problem is the two demons that have been living in the city for years, Typhon and Haborym. Their attempts to bring out the evil in people are working just fine and the angels find themselves responsible for cleaning up the mess the devils have wrought in the lives of the people.
What can the angels do? They find people who are about to die and give them another opportunity to live: they’ll have their second chances and they will live after all, but they’ll be protecting someone else as guardians.
Of course, this is a kept secret from the person being protected. No one wants to know that the angels have given up on them, even for a bigger picture; they wouldn't like to think that they were being watched over by another human being, flawed and imperfect as they were.

the angels have been busy and i'm yet to be saved.

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