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The Primeval Fan Asylum



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August 28th, 2008

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Ok friends, Summer is over and its back to work.


What do we think Season 3 will bring? Any thoughts on just how mad Helen is? Will there be a catfight between the sexy egyptologist being introduced and Jenny?

Inquiring minds want to know.

June 30th, 2008

2008 Primeval Ficathon Live!

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We're still waiting on six stories to be posted, but the masterlist is up with 11 stories already, covering the whole range from gen to het to slash. There's even a crossover :)

The list of all stories posted to date can be found here.

April 28th, 2008

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Just a reminder that the sign ups for the Primeval ficathon close at midnight on Wednesday 30th April.

The ficathon is open to all writers, regardless of what you write. More information and details of how to sign up are provided here.

Assignments will be sent out in early May, with stories being due on 30 June.

X-posted everywhere [info]alylicious or I are a member, but please feel free to pass this along if there's anywhere we've missed.


April 16th, 2008

Announcing the Primeval Ficathon

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[info]aithine and I have decided that we really need to run a Primeval ficathon because we're just crazy that way. For people unfamiliar with the term, a ficathon is a story exchange where you sign up to write a story and, in exchange, you get a story written for you by someone else who has signed up. The ficathon is open to all writers, regardless of whether you write gen, het or slash, and for all pairings.

More information and details of how to sign up are provided here

To give your assigned writer something to work with, you'll be asked to provide three prompts when you sign up. Your assigned writer will then write a story based on one of these prompts (or a combination of prompts if they're feeling particularly creative) and you'll do the same for your assigned recipient in return.

Assignments will be kept anonymous until the day of posting - i.e. you won't know who is writing for you until they post their story, and you won't reveal who you're writing for until the day stories are due. All stories will be posted on the same day so there will (hopefully) be a smorgasbord of fic to read.

Sign ups are open until 30 April. Assignments will be sent out in early May, with stories being due on 30 June.

April 13th, 2008

Possibilities, Nick/Stephen, PG, Primeval

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Title Possibilities
Characters Nick/Stephen (preslash)
Fandom Primeval
Rating PG
Summary Stephen goes to visit Nick hoping to clear the air after Helen's revelation.

Possibilities )

March 31st, 2008

The Waterfall, Nick/Stephen, 18

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Title The Waterfall
Characters Nick/Stephen
Fandom Primeval
Rating 18
Summary Stephen enjoys a waterfall and then Nick enjoys Stephen.
Series Nick/Stephen/Helen
Prompt #30 Open Air

The Waterfall )

March 27th, 2008

FIC - The Photograph, Nick/Stephen, 18

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Title The Photograph
Fandom Primeval
Characters Nick/Stephen
Rating 18
Summary Nick finds a photograph and wonders what it means.
A/N Thanks to Elfin for the beta and Lucas for the bunny. She sent me this and told me to write : Nick picked up the journal from its shelf and as he did so a picture slipped out and drifted to the ground. He bent down to retrieve it and could not help but laugh softly as he realized it was a snapshot someone had taken from the time the Dodos came through the spaghetti junction anomaly.

The Photograph )

March 24th, 2008

Fic: A Walk in the Park (Abby/Connor, PG-13)

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Title: A Walk in the Park
Author: [info]alylicious
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: Abby/Connor
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Set just after Season 2, so there are some references to what happens
Word Count: ~2,000
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fanfiction, written solely for love of the show.
Author's Notes: I have this thing about Abby and Connor kissing, and I just have to share. Thanks to [info]temaris for the beta read.

Summary: Her only excuse is that she might have seen a few too many secret agent movies when she was a kid.

A Walk in the Park.

February 3rd, 2008


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This is just a quick welcome post so there's something here. Comment and say hi, introduce yourselves, make a new post discussing the latest ep, whatever you want.
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