InsaneJournal Announcements

An update on the site

InsaneJournal Announcements

An update on the site

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So over the last week or so I am sure most of you noticed that the site has been working very poorly if at all. It turns out our problems are two fold. First the spammers came back to visit us, very heavily.

Second, it seems that a hacker group decided to make us a target for a Denial of Service attack

We have closed the hole that was allowing the DoS and we have implemented some new rate-limiting and logging to prevent the spammers from being able to cause as much havoc.

Thank you all for being so patient with us during this difficult time.

Let us know if you're experience is better or if you are having any problems accessing the site.
  • Thanks for this post, Squeaky! I've personally noticed much better loading times and speed today than over the past few days/week. Looks like whatever you did seems to be working!
  • Echoing the sentiment - THANK YOU! Seems it's much easier to surf the site and access the things I'm interested in, now. My first reaciton on reading your post was "oh for crying out loud - seriously, a bunch of kids (biological or psychological age = same difference :P) who need to get a life. Sheesh!"

    Thanks again - hoping things calm down for you now, for a little while at least! :)
  • I have several journals here and have not noticed any problems before this news post, so I've been fortunate. And IJ is working great presently.

    Thanks for the update.
  • As of yesterday, I have been unable to load insanejournal. I'm currently on it through a proxy site, leading me to believe the issue is my IP address. I'm not sure if this is the result of what you did to prevent the DoS attacks or not.
    • I have changed the way we are doing this. Try now and let me know if you are still having problems.
      • Thank you. It's working just fine now.
  • Thanks for the update. The site is working much better for me now. You're the best.
  • The site's been running smoother than ever for me. I'm really happy. Thanks so much for all your hard work. Excellent job stopping those attacks and spammers! Here's hoping they'll leave us alone, now. :)
  • Thanks for the update, the site has been working great for me in the past few days :)
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