InsaneJournal Announcements

Accidental Purge

InsaneJournal Announcements

Accidental Purge

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I just want everyone to know that we are going to be closing out the remaining support requests in the coming few days. I know this sounds like a broken record, but we closed about 50 last night and will continue until we are done.

Also, we understand this is not going to be a popular move, but all new requests submitted after this post are no longer going to be eligible for compensation for lost accounts due to the accidental purge in January. We have no way to verify these requests and have been going on the word of our users for every single case.

We feel that we have given a significant amount of time for users who have lost accounts to discover this fact and let us know. As this is a business that needs to continue to cover it's own costs, it cannot do that if we continue to give away free items.

Please bear with us if you have an open request, these are handled on a case by case basis and will be done as quickly as possible.

As always your feedback is appreciated and welcomed, negative and positive alike.
  • Thanks for the update!
  • I think that if they haven't figured it out in almost 5 months then they don't need the journals that bad.
  • when will the sale you implemented to last until the tickets are handled end?
  • Are communities considered for site wide purges for inactivity or are journals the only ones that are considered for inactivity if they aren't posted in? I tend to have paid accounts to prevent purges and was wondering about communities for posterity of creative media shared with those in the community.
  • Five months is more than enough time and super fair of you, Squeaky. Do what you need to do to keep things running. :)
  • I literally just tried to log into a journal of mine i've had since the site open to find it purged today- and I realize it's after this post but i've purchased countless paid time and tokens and whatnot, and though they were not active, I'd still like my request to be looked at. I really only went through because I saw this post on the main page. I know it has been a long time but as someone who is always happy to support this site financially when I can, I'm hoping there's something that i can do :\
    • Like anything, there are always exceptions. We will still look at and consider all requests. Obviously previous paid account purchases should be (and will be) considered.
      • I could send you my paypal email and you could see all my purchases. I hate to be the one annoying slow person who is late to the game but I'd just really appreciate it. Thanks so much for replying to me though in such a timely manner. I really appreciate it.
  • Will we have through the weekend for the sale? I actually thought it had already ended and now I really want to try to get the money together to buy a permanent account and I'm wondering how much time is left on it.
    • Yes, I am going to leave it up for at least a week beyond closing the last of the support requests.
  • Accidentally Purged Account Requests

    *confused* does that mean that an accidental purge request as of this post would still be considered - I was woefully misinformed and told I was s.o.l when my journal [info]red_sheep was accidentally purged. I realize that I sound like a ditz but I honestly don't bug y'all with tech requests and the like... so I am not sure about a lot of the protocols. LOL.
    • Re: Accidentally Purged Account Requests

      He's saying that the accidental purge occurred 5 months ago and that people have had enough time to make requests for compensation, and they can't keep giving out money indefinitely, so they're going to fill the existing requests and that's it.
  • I know you just said above that you guys don't purge asylums, but I had a question if there would be an exception for an asylum that was never updated and has no current maintainer meaning that (I assume) the maintainer's journal was purged? No members, no posts, no comments, nothing and it's been sitting there since 2005. Any chance this could eventually be purged?
  • The Ideas asylum is dead...

    Would the layouts options and other areas of the site get a facelift in the near future?

    Say, by starting with revamping the tiny icons and adding more stylesheets to mirror LJ.
  • notifications haven't seemed to be working all day, just so you know
  • I'm just wondering if these are still being taken care of. My support request was put in at least two months ago and no one has looked at it. :( Thank you.
  • I just wanted to say thanks for hooking me up with my rename token today <3 i think you have a good company. it sucks that people aren't willing to put any kind of capital behind a service that actually serves them. Anyway, I plan on buying more tokens and probably a paid account so keep it up!
  • Any idea on when emails are going to start coming through for hotmail? I have at least two accounts that aren't getting any email notifications.
    • Squeaky has said in the past that there's nothing that can be done on his end and that it's a problem that hotmail has and to contact hotmail as a customer.
  • I put in a support ticket 22 weeks ago and still have not received a reply.
  • Hi, I know this might not be the correct place but ... how long does it take to get a reply on a support thread usually?
  • I asked this awhile ago and no one ever got back to me... I purchased a rename token for a journal and then realized that I hadn't updated the email on that journal. So is my rename token lost in limbo??
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