InsaneJournal Announcements

Continuing Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Continuing Sale

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Due to the issues this week, we have decided that it is necessary to continue the Permanently Insane account sale through the long weekend.

This will allow us to build a bit of a financial buffer incase further issues cause us to need to abandon our current hosting company.

Permanently Insane accounts are still available from for $50. This is the same cost of 2 years of Self-Committed access with even greater benefits. You will be helping the site and you will get some of the best benefits this site has to offer. Its a win-win.
  • Speaking as one of the coordinators of the Dreamwidth antispam team, any given member of that team is limited in the damage that they could do because they do not have the power to fully ban an IP address from reaching Dreamwidth, just put restrictions on them for logged-out commenting. Only Dreamwidth staff/the Terms of Service team have the full authority to completely ban an IP or suspend a registered journal; the antispam coordinators have some authority over OpenID spammers though.

    Having volunteers who can go through the reports and either dismiss them as not valid, or confirm them as valid and pass them along saves a bunch of time; I can then present staff with a list to double-check and do things with rather than staff having to do all the work themselves.
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