InsaneJournal Announcements

Continuing Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Continuing Sale

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Due to the issues this week, we have decided that it is necessary to continue the Permanently Insane account sale through the long weekend.

This will allow us to build a bit of a financial buffer incase further issues cause us to need to abandon our current hosting company.

Permanently Insane accounts are still available from for $50. This is the same cost of 2 years of Self-Committed access with even greater benefits. You will be helping the site and you will get some of the best benefits this site has to offer. Its a win-win.
  • Unfortunately the support board does get neglected, but these tickets do all eventually get answered, and if a timely response is needed, proper reparations are made to the user who made a request.

    Our support team is made up of volunteers who do so out of the kindness of their heart. I try to keep up with what they can't but am not always able to. Right now there is an initiative to get the support board under control, but until we do it is going to look like a bit of a mess.
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