InsaneJournal Announcements

Whats that +1 Thing?

InsaneJournal Announcements

Whats that +1 Thing?

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Update: This feature has been re-enabled. If you don't want it, simply visit (or click Viewing Options in the site navigation) and check the box at the bottom that site and the +1 button will not be displayed on your journal profile or entries.

Update: This feature has been temporarily suspended until we create an option for a users to disable this on their pages.

You will being to see a new +1 button on site themed entry pages and on profiles. And you are probably wondering what those are.

This is a new effort by google to allow you to help your friends out by reccomending google to improve the search results of pages that you like. You can read more about it by clicking the link below.
  • And for people who don't like it, you can block it internet wide using ad-block:

  • Where is the opt-out for this so people don't +1 my journal to all their contacts? I can see that you apparently need to be friended to a journal to see the button, and I'll certainly be blocking it so I don't have to look at it all the time, but I still don't want anyone but me able to broadcasting the existence of my journal to other people.
  • i can see how it's helpful on the web pages it shows on that link such as recommending recipes or your favorite music site, but it seems really pointless on a website like this one. can't wait for that opt out option so i can opt out.
  • Was it something you had to install yourself?
  • Not sure if this made a difference but as a gmail user, I'm not getting any notifications atm.
  • Seconding ~notan. I use gmail and I haven't been getting any notifications all evening.
  • I've not been getting notifs all evening, either.
  • Really don't want, very happy to hear you've disabled it thus far! If you could make it opt-in, I'd be even happier, but I'll take opt-out.
  • I'm on AOL and I'm also not getting notifs.
  • What do I do if I paid for a rename token, but I never got the email with the code? Is it possible it's just related to the slow notifs issue? I bought one the other day and got it immediately.
  • I don't know if this is such a good idea to implement as a change to the site. The majority of your users are roleplayers, and impersonating celebrities (or using their faces) and that's still illegal. Livejournal has had several lawyers and agents contact them from celebrities over roleplay journals about misrepresentation and the like over the years, I don't think anyone in your userbase wants to draw more attention to their journals than can be helped and it sounds like the +1 button would do just that.

    i think the site has an excellent search feature that the users can navigate to find what they need to on the site currently. It works for everyone, I don't know if we need google.
  • More crap we don't need - especially when there are still OTHER issues with the site (ie: notification issues, site still runs slow at times although it's gotten quite rare,) etc.
  • Do Not Want.

    Thank you for rethinking this. Please make it opt-in or, preferably, kill it with fire. Words cannot express how much I don't want this; my first thought on reading the explanation was "Okay, I'll be deleting my InsaneJournal account now."
  • I've seen a lot of people around the site request something like this actually. While I'm not a big fan, I can see why it was implemented. For me, my DNW primarily stems from it being connected to my google account.
  • I don't want this, especially now I see it's linked to my gmail account. I don't want to accidentally click on it when all my accounts here are roleplay related and I don't exactly what the world knowing about that.
  • While I greatly appreciate the fact that you've made an opt-out, I think it should cover the whole site if you opt out, as I would prefer my google account not being attached to it if I miss-click something on someone else's page who either hasn't opted out yet, or wants it to be there.

    Unless there's a page that asks you if you want to do this if you do click on it, so I can backpedal, but I really would not like to test it to find out as I want my privacy for a reason (thus why I opt out of search engine results as well).

    Or have it be opt-in for those who wish to use it?

    Just a few ideas. Thanks for the opt-out option though, Squeaky - you're already way more respectful about what your users want from your site than like, Livejournal. ♥
  • can you make it so it's automatically off to start and we choose to put it on if we actually want it there? it seems like a majority of your site users don't want the thing anywhere in their journals.
  • I agree with everyone else, I really think this should be an opt-in instead of an opt-out feature.
  • Adding my comment here to say I am really not sure I like this at all.

    Sure, I can opt out on my own journals, but it's still everywhere else. And it's automatically linked to my Gmail account, I'm assuming through the cookies on my browser. Which, personally, is not cool. If I wanted my Gmail to be connected to these accounts, it already would be. A misclick would be all it takes.

    Is there any way to make it so if you opt-out, it disables it completely, so long as you're logged in with that account? That would be fantastic.
  • I have a question. On LJ, they always make everything opt-out instead of opt-in, and I have my doubts as to why they do it that way. But what about here? Is it easier to make everyone have to opt-out if they don't want it rather than opt-in if they do? Or is it more a revenue sort of thing, because hey if everyone's already opted in they may not go to that extra effort to opting out?
  • While I realize this is annoying, you can just AdBlock it for your entire browser.
  • I too would prefer if this were an opt-in rather than opt out so that I don't have people plus one-ing my entries, and I too am seeing it enabled on asylum posts as well as profiles.
  • Come on, you know better than this. Don't force your users to turn off something they didn't want in the first place.
  • As if it's not bad enough this site is slow as hell half the time, but now the majority of us have to make a point of opting out of a useless function. Sure, we can ad-block, but to even have to do that on an option we didn't even get to vote on before it was shoved in our faces...and IJ continues to ask for money in various forms to keep it running. People tend to want to give money to services that run efficiently and don't foist on us "improvements" we don't appreciate. If people want to "tell others" about their fancy little IJ page, they can send a damn personal email themselves if it's so important.
  • Also, it's not "simply visit" your settings. If you have more than one journal, like most of us do, we have to do it for ALL of them and that's a pain in the ass.
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