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InsaneJournal Announcements

State of the Asylum 2004

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2003 in review

Well what a year 2003 was for InsaneJournal. For those of you who were around on 2002, you can see what a year it has been.

In January of last year we finally got our domain name, and we turned on account codes. We also started to really carve out our identity in the world of LJ-based journal communities.

Throughout the year we made a number of changes, we had the exciting Logo contest, which as you can see the site took on a much more professional look, while still keeping in line with the Insane look and feel.

We vastly improved our code distribution system. We have gone from doing updates live on the site, and then having to worry about the site breaking from every update, to a system where we now have a testing server where we push all of our code first so we can thoroughly test all of our code and make sure that everything is working properly before we release it live to the world.

We also integrated in the S2 style system, which allows new users to more easily customize their journals to look how they want them to look. It also gives advances users (paid only) much more control over what they can do with their styles.

The biggest thing that happened in 2003, is the InsaneJournal converted from a pet project into an actual business, we now sell paid, permanent accounts and have a budget to work with to help make the site much more responsive and things are just generally better.

Looking forward through 2004

InsaneJournal has some exciting changes in store for 2004. First of all we want to further push our business by registering InsaneJournal as a legal business name (right now the business operates under my name), as well as set up its own bank account to keep InsaneJournal's finances completely and totally separate from my personal finances.

We are hoping to add a number of new features and generally make the site even faster and more reliable than it already is.

We plan to take drastic measures to increase our user base. InsaneJournal works as a community, and the only way to make it a great community is to attract users. Our goal is to make InsaneJournal the primary site for people to post their journals online.

We hope that 2004 will be the year the InsaneJournal becomes a major player in the online journaling market.
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