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InsaneJournal Announcements

So, I tried to log on here this afternoon at around 1 (GMT) and failed. I then - off and on admittedy - tried to log on repeatedly between the hours of 6 - 10:30. (My times could be a bit off but I don't think they are.)

I'm assuming that all that time the site was down because I couldn't get the site up at all.

Nothing about it on Twitter till about 20 mins ago. (And what's the point of having that if you're not going to use it?)

That's 9ish hours of down time with no communication from you at all.

If there were better rp communities/games on Dreamwidth I would be so gone.

As a user who has two permanent accounts with you, I'm disgusted by this.


I'll be giving no more money to this site.


I bet you don't unscreen this comment.
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