Squeaky ([info]squeaky) wrote in [info]announcements,
@ 2009-11-27 08:05:00

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Black Friday Sale is here
I have turned on today's special Black Friday sale.

Until 4:00pm(EST) we will be holding a sale on Permanently Insane accounts, Permanent Extra Userpics, and Insane Userpics the prices are as follows.

Permanently Insane account - $30
Insane Userpics - $70
Permanent Extra Userpics - $5

At 4:00 today all prices on IJ will go back to their normal amounts.

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2009-11-30 04:34 pm UTC (link)
I also had the same request about this and opened a support request in the Accounts category about possibly transferring the pid time I just added to this account to another one, since I upgraded to permanently insane.

Thank you for all your hard work, & I want to keep supporting IJ since I find it is the best out there. :)

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