InsaneJournal Announcements

Site issues

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site issues

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Our hosting company is experiencing a DDoS attack right now. This is causing some people to not be able to resolve in their browsers. This is not affecting all users. We are working with the hosting company to resolve this as soon as possible.
  • I was wondering why IJ won't load for me unless I go through a proxy. Thanks for keeping us informed! :)
    • you wouldn't happen to have a proxy that let's you log in, would you? mine won't let me log in at all :\
      • well i tried using proxy sites but none of them work so if you go to firefox addons, look for "foxy proxy" and download and install it, and im using this proxy ip right now and it works perfectly: port 808
  • I'd been wondering why I couldn't connect from my ISP, but connecting via iPhone on 3G works fine. Thanks for the update!
  • Thanks for the update! No problems for me, which is surprising, considering a DDoS attack causes tons of them usually.
  • A few people I know in florida and in canada's having issues with signing on. So thanks for this.
  • I'm having issues with loading ij on firefox. AOL seems to work fine though.
  • I haven't had any log in problems with IJ, but all the same, congrats and thanks for the update!
  • I don't know if it's any help but AT&T seems to have suffered one from 4chan I think it was... two days ago? and temporarily blocked it.
  • Any news on potential progress toward resolving the issue? I don't mean to be pushy by any means just curious since even using foxyproxy via Firefox is rather hit-and-miss.

    And thank you, too, for alerting us! I was starting to think something was wrong with the settings in my computer!
  • I had problems ALL last night and day. It wouldnt even load, I couldnt get to at all. I even downloaded Firefox and couldnt get anywhere. Its back up now, any way to know for how long? Hopefully it gets resolved, I was in the same boat as kindagay and thought my settings were off or something happened with my computer. So glad its back up for me, I was going crazy.
  • Confuse

    I am confuse what you say
  • I did not have trouble when this originally started, but I've been unable to use the service since the very early hours of the thirtieth. It would be nice to hear an update on what is going on with fixing this.
  • whenever i try to look at anyones userinfo it's just a bunch of coding/errors
  • every single time i try to go to a userinfo (no matter who's it is), i get this:

    [Error: BML block '_CODE' has no close]

    just thought you should know. not sure if that's... what this is about... because i don't know what ddos is. :[
  • The huge ad right in the middle of the user info is completely stretching out the page. Maybe they could be put at the bottom of the page instead?
  • There's been new ads added to the userinfo that stretch everything out..... again. Just though I'd echo the above.
  • I'm having issues uploading new icons. I can't do it from my computer or the web on any of my accounts; all it does is give me error codes about not being able to find certain files, etc. I can be more specific if necessary. I don't know if it's related to this issue or not, but I thought I should let you know.
  • Unrelated to this post, I was wondering if there's a way to shift all of the paid time I have left on this account (zsal) to my other account (char)?
  • I'm having userinfo problems as well, which are most likely related to the AT&T issue since I just switched from Comcast. Every time I try to visit userinfos, the page tries to close on me. Other than that, everything seems to be working fine now.
  • What's with the huge new ads? It stretches the page on my computer and makes going on IJ from my phone a hot mess. Are they really necessary?
    • i couldn't agree more i rather enjoyed having little to no ads rather than more ads randomly placed around.
      • well, ads give revenue. there have to be ads for the site to be free. it's just the size.
      • I use Adblock Plus (a firefox add on) and it usually keeps the pages clean, and free of ads, thank God. However, for some reason, the new ones are getting past it, and it's really annoying!
  • Hi, I had a paid account that I purchased for six months back on February 14th. It's expired today. I was under the impression that it wouldn't expire until the 14th. Any help would be appreciated. :)
  • I am PMing you a question
  • Not really sure where else to put this. While reading a journal and then again on this journal one of the ads that was showing was kind of offensive. It appeared to be a religious ad and if you hover over it the web address is If I knew how to post a screen shot of it I would. I just wanted to bring this to your attention, because that isn't really something I want to see when I am reading or updating journals.
  • Are we having any issues with emails coming through?
  • Overnight a large handful of icons seemed to vanish. Will these come back or do I need to figure out which ones and reupload?
  • i am only getting email notifs for comments i make on other peoples journals but not my own, is there a way to fix this?
  • Not getting notifications of comments to my journals, nor am I getting other notifications I've signed up for. I use gmail, if that matters.
  • Hi, I tried going through the support area for this, but I couldn't find a place to open a ticket. Since at least 7:46 last night, I haven't received any comment notifications from my personal journal. I am receiving the ones from posts I've made to asylums, just not my personal journal.

    My email provider is Yahoo and I'm aware of at least two other people with this same issue. At least one of them uses a different email provider (, though I'm not sure about the other person.

    I wasn't sure if you were aware of this, so I thought I'd poke you and let you know.

    Thanks, squeaky!
    • That would be 7:46 pm mountain time. No idea if that helps you locate the problem or not, but there you have it.
    • To add to this, I'm experiencing the same. No comment notifs are coming from my personal journal but I am getting replies to comment I make in other people's journals or replies to comments from posts I make in asylums. Gmail here.
  • I haven't been receiving some of my notifications. Certain journals are getting comment notifications and some are not, none of my journals are getting notifications they have set up for when new entries are posted in certain comms and journals.
  • No notifs

    Not complaining, just adding to the list.

    Haven't been getting notifs through at all for anything.

    Hope you're OK.
  • I also haven't gotten notifs for anything posted to any entries on this journal.
  • Chiming in with the lack of notifs - nothing i'm tracking is sending notifs, though I'm (mostly) still getting comment replies.
  • Also chiming in that I am not receiving any notifications.

    I have noticed though, that this does seem to happen on Sundays - if that's any clue there... At least in previous instances of this issue. Thanks!
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