InsaneJournal Announcements

Post by email fixed

InsaneJournal Announcements

Post by email fixed

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For those of you with paid or permanent accounts we have finally fixed the post by email feature. We found the problem during the move and made the corrections to the code that runs it.

If you have a paid or permanently insane account you can go to ( and set up your email post settings.

Also this had the side affect of releasing everything that had been queued up for several months, including email posts and support requests. You may get some responses that you weren't expecting.
  • Ah, that explained the sudden influx of Twitter posts on my flist, I suppose. *stabs Twitter*
    Thanks for letting us know, great that a problem is solved.
  • The site keeps logging me out. I don't know if others have this-but even when I click remember me, not even an hour later I'm logged back out.
    • Hey, that happened to me after the move. It was a real WTF moment, as I was off line long enough to not know there *was* a move. :-) I needed to delete my IJ cookies, history, etc,restarted my browser, made sure the "new" site came up right (f5 to reload a clean uncached copy) then resaved it to passwords and such. Not a single problem since. My PDA doesn't remember stuff, but that's another issue all together. I am assuming you are using either Firefox or IE

      Oh, and as I have satellite internet, i made sure IJ was in my exceptions/always load LAN area.
  • Good things are coming from the move! :)
  • Yay! You said you'd get it fixed and you did!
  • Yeah, You! Don't you love it when you move, and find that missing sock behind the fridge? Or in this case, missing code?
  • zomg... This is SO. COOL.

    *has fantard fun on IJ*
  • I'm not sure if I just missed the notification of why this is happening somewhere, but I'm only getting random email notifs. It seems like I'm only getting them for comments in journals that aren't mine, but that might just be a coincidence since I've only gotten three out of fifty or so all day.

    Otherwise everything is great! It's more of a slight inconvenience, and not something I'm upset about, at this point, but I can see where it might be frustrating in the future.

    Thank you so much for working so hard!
  • i registered another journal earlier and didn't receive a confirmation email. i'm assuming it will come through when my notifs start coming through more, but i just wanted to let you know just in case it's something different!
  • I just thought I would let you know that notifications and confirmation e-mails don't seem to be going out. I'm guessing that this is a result of importing the databases on new servers, but it's been 24 hours and the problem has yet to fix itself. Just wanted to keep you informed.
  • There seems to be a problem with friends pages. It'll show updates one minute and then they're gone the next minute. If 25 updates are on a page, if you go to "earlier", 7 of those are on the 2nd page and there's other updates missing from the first. I hope this makes sense but it's incredibly frustrating.
    • I've noticed a similar problem. One of my friend's entries no longer appears on my friends page. But if I view her journal directly, I can see her posts, they just don't show up with the rest of my friends. She and I never changed any settings in regards to our friends, so I'm not sure what's causing it.
  • This isn't a paid or a permanent account and it won't let me post by email, suddenly. It keeps saying I've given the incorrect password, but I log in with the same one, so it's not wrong? Also, I could answer comments through email (Gmail, if it makes any difference) as recently as last night.
  • thought you should know the site seems to be running slow at the moment. pages are loading white, or taking upwards of 20 seconds to process if they do. i don't know if it's heavy site traffic or what, but it seems to be getting progressively worse. there are moments where it's fine and doesn't seem to be having any problems, but they start up again really quick.
  • Unrelated question that I've got for you, most awesome [info]squeaky. I have a paid account that JUST expired on here a few days ago. I can't re-pay for it sadly until the beginning of next month due to a really, really tight financial squeeze here that came up. Will my icons there stay there even if they're unactive? I just really, really don't want to have to upload them all again when I can re-pay for the account. :(
    • Yes, they'll stay there. But just so you know, there is a mass uploader.
      • Even the light uploader being used would mean that it took me quite some time, since I have her userpics completely full at 400. But thank you!
  • I've been having RP entries entire entries, comments and stuff just deleted overnight for no reason at all. One moment they're there, and the next they're not.
    • And they're from various accounts as well. The only ones that haven't been deleted are the friends locked one. Most of these journals are private storyline, rp journals.
    • Same here, I posted something last night on [info]saintluke and now its gone and it was there this morning for several hours and I commented and had comments but now the whole thing is gone.
    • This happened to an entry in our main community as well.
  • My journal layout is all messed up, and I lost my colors. :( PLEASE help!
    • I fixed this, but some of my information is missing, and journal entries keep disappearing.
  • Several of my user infos lost all of their information in the bio part. Coding, picture links, everything is just gone. Plus, settings have disappeared. I had several accounts set to not show the email address and to not show the friends of list and those settings were suddenly all undone. Is this something that can be fixed or is it all lost with this last update to the database?
  • Any time I try to reply to a comment by email, with this account, it tries to post it as a reply to the post itself, instead of a reply to the thread. It's doing this all of the sudden, and to more than just one post. Any ideas what might be to blame?
  • I'm not getting comment notifis left on entries in this journal, but I am on comments left in other journals.
  • i changed the e-mail on this journal about a week or so ago, verified the account, and began receiving notifications. but all today i've been getting the notifications sent to the old e-mail on the account and not the new one! just wanted to see if there was some kind of bug.
  • I'm experiencing the same problems as leightonmeest up there. I get notifications for comments I leave in other journals but not for comments left in this one.
    • Did you check the junk mail folder?

      Since the server movie the IP address has changed for the site.
  • Same problems as the above; notifications are coming selectively and mainly in other people's posts, though I got a few in this journal? Most of them aren't coming through. Also, seconding the comment about email change. Most of my accounts send comments to the right one, this is the only one that doesn't.
  • I would like to add myself to the list of those having problems with notifications. I'm not receiving notifications in my email, or there will be times that I get emails for comments that were left in my journal 6-12 hours after they were posted.
  • i'm having an issue in regard to commenting using accounts with a yahoo email address. gmail works perfectly fine, but none of the yahoo. the following message is what comes up when i attempt to comment:
    [Error: Can't call method "email_raw" on unblessed reference at /home/lj/cgi-bin/ line 1047. @]
  • i keep getting this error when i go to post an entry or comment in all of my journals:

    [Error: Can't call method "email_raw" on unblessed reference at /home/lj/cgi-bin/ line 1047. @]

  • [Error: Can't call method "email_raw" on unblessed reference at /home/lj/cgi-bin/ line 1047. @]

  • I just wanted to say that I am getting the same error as well, but it is on my gmail accounts.
  • What about replying to comments via email?
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