InsaneJournal Announcements

Username Purge Completed

InsaneJournal Announcements

Username Purge Completed

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The username purge has been completed. All usernames that were set to be deleted 2 weeks ago have now been purged from the season.
  • one of the ones i was tracking that was deleted wasn't purged. does that mean it wasn't from this batch of usernames to be purged?
  • I opened a support ticket for a community that was abandoned with no maintainer, no updates and no members. I asked if I could be the maintainer and I was told that it wasn't possible, even though you said in an earlier post that it could be re-assigned?
  • Is anyone else not getting any notifications tonight as of about 10pm EST?
  • I asked to get a notification for the purge of a name and it was never sent. Consequently I lost my chance at the name I've been looking at for over a year. Nice.
  • Was there any delineation between free accounts that hadn't been used and paid/permanent ones or was anything without a year of activity just deleted?
  • Awesome :D Good work, Squeaky! Now maybe the site will run a tad faster, since it is no longer bogged down with accounts that hadn't been signed into for years or months.
  • (no subject) - [info]
  • Question: there's a user name I'd like which is currently a community name. There are no members and the only person involved has since deleted her account. It hasn't been used in 2 years. Any way of having that purged?
  • One of the usernames that I've been watching for well over a year hasn't updated in 175 weeks, but somehow wasn't purged. It's not a paid account so I'm honestly curious as to any other reasons why it might not have made the purge list?
  • you have a PM
  • idk what's going on now and this is irrelevant, but a few of my userpics have disappeared now. what's up with that?
  • i changed the e-mail on this username, got the verification e-mail, and verified my new e-mail, but many of my e-mail notifications are still being sent to my old e-mail address. and those are the notifications i'm actually getting. i don't get notifications when someone comments an entry/post, i only get them when they reply to a comment. should i open a support ticket for either of these issues? are they related?
  • IS there a reason why I keep getting logged out?

    I checked the IP log and those IPs are all mine, I never turn Firefox off so it can't be a browser thing. It just started happening recently.
  • over a hundred comments gone on this entry, and i had comments screened and after the comment rot, they don't screen anymore?

    this happened within the past ten minutes
  • i lost all of the comments to my one entry in this journal too, half are blank and none show up in the "recent comments" section which is my tip off i've lost them :-/ i don't know, we shouldn't have to be used to losing comments like this. i also commented the post you asked for comment rot issues to be reported on.
  • When I go to join a asylum with moderated membership, I get this message after clicking on the "join asylum" button:

    [Error: LJ::Event::CommuinityJoinRequest passed bogus u object: ourtruecomms @]

    I hit the back button, click "join asylum" again, and everything works fine. This happened three times in a row with three different communities.

    Just wanted to let you know.
  • something strange is afoot because i'm getting replies in my inbox to a post in a journal i never subscribed to.
  • Also, I keep getting this error when I upload userpics:

    [Error: Can't locate object method "as_string" via package "MogileFS::Backend: tracker socket never became readable ( when sending command: [create_close domain=livejournal&fid=8965081&devid=9&path= ] at /home/lj/cgi-bin/MogileFS/ line 335 " (perhaps you forgot to load "MogileFS::Backend: tracker socket never became readable ( when sending command: [create_close domain=livejournal&fid=8965081&devid=9&path= ] at /home/lj/cgi-bin/MogileFS/ line 335 "?) at '/home/lj/htdocs/editpics.bml' line 518. @]
  • is anyone else not getting notifs?
  • Hi, how do I report a post in a comm that I don't own? The post is slanderous to a community that I run, and the IJ user has been harassing me in my own post. I've deleted the comments from this person, but I still have the e-mail notifs of their comments, which I can e-mail to you, if you'd like.

    Please help! Thanks!
  • Just an FYI, my notifications (coming to my hotmail address) are very delayed!
  • Random user icons seem to be missing. When I refresh the page, a different batch are coming up as missing, even though they were visible a moment before. I'm also getting randomly delayed notifications to Gmail, and the site it running much slower than usual.
  • I tried to register a journal, and both the verification picture and the audio one won't work.
  • Captcha codes seem to be down again.
  • I can't create a new journal. Neither the visual nor the audio to confirm I'm not a bot is working. This is the same for every person I've spoken with in the last hour or so (at least twenty/thirty people).
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