InsaneJournal Announcements

Update to yesterdays username purge

InsaneJournal Announcements

Update to yesterdays username purge

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I made a mistake in yesterday's username purge and included asylums in the purge. I have reactivated all asylums that were still listed as deleted. I apologize for this and promise it will not happen again in any future purges.
  • Sorry this is completely off-topic but I just tried to upload a new userpic and received the following error message ....

    [Error: Can't locate object method "as_string" via package "MogileFS::Backend: tracker socket never became readable ( when sending command: [create_open domain=livejournal&fid=0&class=userpics&multi_dest=1&key=up:142160:7739384 ] at /home/lj/cgi-bin/MogileFS/ line 259 " (perhaps you forgot to load "MogileFS::Backend: tracker socket never became readable ( when sending command: [create_open domain=livejournal&fid=0&class=userpics&multi_dest=1&key=up:142160:7739384 ] at /home/lj/cgi-bin/MogileFS/ line 259 "?) at '/home/lj/htdocs/editpics.bml' line 518. @]
    • Whenever that happens to me, I just hit refresh and the problem's usually solved.
    • This is a known issue. If you continue to encounter this, please do not hesitate to open up a support request regarding this.
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