InsaneJournal Announcements

Update to yesterdays username purge

InsaneJournal Announcements

Update to yesterdays username purge

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I made a mistake in yesterday's username purge and included asylums in the purge. I have reactivated all asylums that were still listed as deleted. I apologize for this and promise it will not happen again in any future purges.
  • Have you considered doing a running purge? For example, purging accounts inactive since 1-02 to 1-15 in a month, 1-16 to 1-30 in 6 weeks, etc? It sounds like it'd be a really good source of revenue because I know that I'd personally spend at last $40 on rename tokens (plus a couple paid accounts) for journals created in January during the GJ exodus that've been abandoned.
    • i think how he's doing it now is fine. it shouldn't be so constant that people are scared to use the site. once a year is plenty.
      • It was just a thought since there have been money issues, that's all.
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