InsaneJournal Announcements

Update to yesterdays username purge

InsaneJournal Announcements

Update to yesterdays username purge

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I made a mistake in yesterday's username purge and included asylums in the purge. I have reactivated all asylums that were still listed as deleted. I apologize for this and promise it will not happen again in any future purges.
  • Thank you for fixing that up!

    Secondly; it is fucking awesome that you and the rest at IJ's team do this. The purging, I mean. I still have communities at LiveJournal that I had handed over 'then temporarily but lost maintainership of' to ex's, are still inactive accounts from even as far back as 2004! It's great that accounts here will be purged after a reasonable level of time for the owners to.. well, actually use the account.

    To the people who're upset about it; either use it or lose it =/ Accounts that are hogged for the SNs, as well as the abandoned accounts such as RPGs, only take up space and slow the site down.
    • I think you missed the point, no communities will be purged, it was a mistake.
      • I understood it; my comment was of two things. I pointed out that it's great that the team were quick to solve the problem, and the second point was that I think it's great that Squeaky actually does do these purges, unlike LJ =D
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