InsaneJournal Announcements

Update to yesterdays username purge

InsaneJournal Announcements

Update to yesterdays username purge

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I made a mistake in yesterday's username purge and included asylums in the purge. I have reactivated all asylums that were still listed as deleted. I apologize for this and promise it will not happen again in any future purges.
  • Thank you so much, Squeaky. I got a little freaked out by the asylum deletions, LOL! It's wonderful, and as someone already said, very refreshing, to see an administrator admitting their mistakes and rectifying them. I feel a LOT better now. :)
    • Thanks for pointing out to me what a bad idea it was. In the original purge that we did last year we didn't hit asylums. I really didn't even think about it this time. So it really was a bad mistake.
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