InsaneJournal Announcements

Miswording in notification emails

InsaneJournal Announcements

Miswording in notification emails

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To anyone who received a notification that their account had been deactivated, we misworded the email stating that your account had been inactive for 2 years. In reality we used the date 01-01-2008 as our cut off point for inactivity. We apologize of the inconvenience.
  • That's a risk everybody has to live with, but even then, it's acknowledged to be bad form, and people who make a practice of it end up with nobody willing to friend/post to their journals. Up until now I felt very strongly in favor of IJ as a safe place to post things for posterity, but that just got severely damaged. Sometimes communities run their course and go inactive, but that doesn't mean that the people who participated in them no longer care, and no longer count. Given that it's NOT the mods/maintainers making this decision, it's still wrong.
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