InsaneJournal Announcements

2008 Holiday Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

2008 Holiday Sale

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I am announcing our 2008 Holiday Sale that will occur on Friday November 28th, 2008.

We are running the sale in 2 phases.

The first sale will start at 6am(EST) Noon(EST).

The prices will be as follows

Insane Userpics: $65
Permanently Insane: $30
1 Year Self-Committed: $20
6 Months Self-Committed: $10
12 Months Extra Userpics: $10
6 Months Extra Userpics: $6
Rename Tokens: $4

Then from Noon(EST) until Midnight(EST) we will have the second part of the sale.

The prices will be as follows

Insane Userpics: $100
Permanently Insane: $50
1 Year Self-Committed: $20
6 Months Self-Committed: $10
12 Months Extra Userpics: $10
6 Months Extra Userpics: $6
Rename Tokens: $4

After midnight Insane Userpics and Permanently Insane Accounts will not be for sale and the rest of the prices will go back to normal.
  • You can see my reply to Insanity here in regards to the sale. I think my point was misconstrued. I understand it takes time.

    I get notifications emailed to me, but I haven't had it so that it sends me my own comments as well, so I'll do that, thanks! That's a really great suggestion. I haven't ever experienced the reappearing comment phenomena though. Generally what happens to me is that it will wipe out all comments to a post (seemingly at random, because it's occurred to posts with a high and relatively miniscule comment count). It's just bothersome. Which ties into my point about the sale, that I'm sure in the long run, Squeaky would profit more from a sale held after issues were fixed. I know the 30 dollars is an incentive for me, but I'd be more than happy to pay 50 or 60 again if it meant everything was working as it should. :)
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