InsaneJournal Announcements

Permanently Insane Account Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Permanently Insane Account Sale

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Edit: We decided to lower the price of the Permanently Insane accounts and Insane Userpics. The updated prices are reflected in the post below.

InsaneJournal would like to announce a week long Permanently Insane account sale starting immediately. The accounts will be on sale for $40 (less than the cost of just 2 years of paid time). You can get yours at Please note that we have decided to start accepting eChecks via PayPal again if that is your preferred payment method.

We are also putting Insane Userpics on sale for $120. That is 5,000 userpics for the lifetime of your account. (Note: you must already have a permanently insane account to be able to add Inasne Userpics to your account).

The reason we are doing this sale is to bolster our reserves to pay for some upcoming expenses on the site. So you can use this as a rare chance to get Permanently Insane status while helping the site.

If you already have paid time remaining on your account and you upgrade, simply open a support request and we will gladly transfer the remainder of your paid time to another account of your choosing. This can even be done anonymously if you want to use it as an anonymous gift.

Also please keep in mind that we are still working to stabilize the service here as well as add improvements for the future. Look behind the cut for a list of known issues that we are currently working on.

Bugs Not Yet Fixed:
* Comments disappearing.
* directory.bml hangs searching
* Edit userpics page loading slowly for users with lots of userpics (Firefox is still slow but won't timeout and give an error as a temporary workaround)
* Adding friends via the admin console causes custom groups to get emptied
* Joining a closed membership asylum gives an error
* Timezones on update page not reflecting change in DST in United Stats
* align= and border= options in image tags being striped by the HTML cleaner
* lynx sitescheme warning
* blank preview page
* Sometimes not able to change custom colors
  • Tell that to the original poster, not me. I was agreeing with the reasoning behind it, not asking !~squeaky to make the change.
    • I guess I just don't understand what can be done at this point. Would it be less triggering if you could turn "insane" and "asylum" off as far as the titles on the site, but still had to type
      • If you put it that way...

        I personally could handle just

        It's the "diagnosis", "patients", "asylums", "permanently insane", and all the other stuff like that really gets to me.

        Not sure if that applies to anyone else with the same issues, but I personally would be perfectly appeased with your suggestion.
        • Re: If you put it that way...

          I wouldn't be opposed to having a preference you could toggle to replace those words with more traditional labels (honestly, "diagnosis" confuses me every time), but my only concern is that I don't know how you'd keep the entries/information on asylums intact, since their address is
          • Hmm..

            Unless squeaky decides to rename the subdirectory of 'asylums' to something else, like just 'communities' and makes sure that takes all across the site, that part probably can't be changed.

            And asking him to do that is a HUGE effort and rather unfair I think.

            So it's possible, just not easily done at all.
            • Re: Hmm..

              What if you toggled it to read "communities" and typing "" redirected to "" Then the only trigger would be if you happened to be fixated on the URL itself, since you wouldn't have to type asylums to get to the site you wanted and you wouldn't see the word in the actual html of the page?
              • You know, that might be a possibility!

                ...that said, I'm sure someone has written or can write a Greasemonkey script to do this for individual users. They could even include the diagnosis business.
                • I'd probably use it myself, honestly. The names don't offend me and I definitely like it being called insanejournal overall, but I consistently forget what "diagnosis" and "patients" represent.
                  • I know I definitely would. I know a lot of people who would as well.

                    I always stare kind of bewildered at the links on the menu bar trying to remember where to go, so if it said what I was used to, I'd be much happier.

                    And I'd probably wind up making a journal, and maybe even buying a perm account then.
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