InsaneJournal Announcements

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InsaneJournal Announcements

Squeaky, this is just another little note to let you know that you're awesome. I can see that a lot of people are impatient and/or angry with certain things about the site, but I have a feeling that those people have never tried admin'ing a site that, almost literally overnight, had an exponential increase in its user base. You had a lot dumped in your lap within a very short period of time, and from what I've read, you weren't exactly prepared for it (which is not a point against you; I don't think anyone had any way of knowing how successful the mass exodus from 'that other site' was going to be). Personally, I think you have done, and are continuing to do an excellent job of keeping things running, all things considered. God knows you're doing a better job of it than I ever could. So keep your head up, do your thing, and remember that there are a lot of us who are behind you and your efforts 100%.
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