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InsaneJournal Announcements

I've seen a couple people wanting a choose-your-own-color scheme, and honestly I'd love to be able to do it. Maybe set it up kind of like choosing journal theme colors for the S2 styles. Unfortunately, that would require some serious monkeying around with the database and at least one site options page made from scratch. I can help with the design end of it, but I'm not an experienced enough backend programmer to do the nuts and bolts.

If you want to look through the comments, and maybe get together with the other people who want this, and see if you can track us down someone willing to do the programming work (for free), that would be really fantastic, and I'd be happy to work with them on the project. Without another programmer, though, I don't know whether this can be done. *rueful* Squeaky is usually running full out just doing site maintenance and bug-squashing as it is.
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