Squeaky ([info]squeaky) wrote in [info]announcements,
@ 2008-05-18 07:55:00

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Email blocked?
Due to some of the feedback I have received here I believe that some of our mail may be blocked by one of the large email provider. If you are not receiving notifications or validation emails please let me know here who your email provider is.

Also, the move is now complete, so if you are still not seeing some of your userpics, you will need to remove and re-upload them. I apologize for loosing some of them.

In addition, I want to use this space to address some concerns that were brought up about scheduling downtime. I do admit that I should have done a better job at letting everyone know when I would be on working the site. The reason I did was that there was so much work to do that I was working on the site every time I had a free moment, and I didn't know when I would have free time. Moving forward I will work to give better notifications as to when there is potential downtime.

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2008-05-18 08:17 am UTC (link)
Get some rest and a cup of coffee and some RL on top of that, Squeaky! You're doing just fine.

Gmail too, starting from a fortnight or so back - not all comments get eaten, but every now and then the service does decide to go om nom nom.

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