InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Move Funds Status

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Move Funds Status

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We are getting close to having enough funds to setup with a new hosting provider. Right now we are about 65% of the way there. Keep up the donations and purchases from the InsaneJournal Store. Some of you have asked for a donation button, so I am providing one right here

Edit: We are getting closer. We are at about 90% of the goal for fundraising. Please note that once we reach our goal we are going to stop selling perm account and insaneuserpics, so hurry up and get them while you can!

  • I understand that, but as said before we only wanted to raise the money needed to move and have an extra month hosting costs saved up. We will revet to using standard sales to keep going. Perm sales do not provide recurring income and that is a problem
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