Squeaky ([info]squeaky) wrote in [info]announcements,
@ 2008-03-10 14:26:00

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Site Update

We have fixed the one major bug that was plaguing the development server. We are nearly ready to push out the new update. The one remaining problem lies in notifications. If that is not critical for everyone I am willing to push this update out the door as is. Though since it has been so long since we have updated, I can't guarantee that the site isn't going to experience some weird errors and possible downtime as I work out any bugs that might show up.

Right now, the update will bring media embedding, some long needed bug fixes, and a newer update page. I am really concerned about getting the bug fixes, including the fix for comment rot, out the door asap.

Please let me know how you all would like to see me proceed. I am okay with doing beta testing and some bug fixing work on the live site if you all are too.

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2008-03-10 11:42 pm UTC (link)
Sorry if this has nothing to do with the update, but- could it be possible to try fix the icons preview for the replies to an entry?

It would be really handy :)

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