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Site slowness

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Site slowness

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I am still looking into what is causing the site to run slowly during peak hours. I am going to try something tonight to see if it fixes it, but honestly I am not 100% sure where the slowness is coming from, all the webservers and the database servers are showing that they should be running just fine and speedy, but for some reason the whole site is slowing down. I will let everyone know when I have a better idea of what is going on and what can be done to fix it.
  • Good luck!
  • I think it just seems slower, because we're all getting smarter. As the Great Bush Bandwagon clatters it's way headlong down the hillside and into the Gorge of Trainwrecks Past, our brains are quickly returning to their normal operating capacity, and as a result, everything we see around us seems to move more slowly...
  • Thanks for looking into it. You are always on top of things.

    I just blame my dial up when things go slowly.
  • Glad that you're still looking into it. I hope you find some answers for all of us.
  • Thanks for looking into it and keeping us updated Squeaky. It's greatly appreciated with how much you've done for everyone thats moved here from other places.
  • Thank you, squeaky! And I love the perm accounts I purchased :)
  • I expect you've already looked into it, but could this be a manifestation of whatever the database look-up or such problem LJ claims there is with entry tags?

  • I hope you find it soon.!
  • If it's any help, I've found IJ runs slowly from two different internet connections: one on cable broadband and one on a dedicated T1 line. Unfortunately, it's not just at peak times either and the accounts I access are both a free account and a permanent one. No difference on speed, both are slow.

    That said, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your updates and efforts for all of us! Thank you and I hope the above information can be of some help?
    • I've had similar issues with a permanent account on both a DSL line and a dedicated T1 line. It doesn't seem to matter what time of the day. I've also gotten error messages where the page couldn't be loaded at all at 3:00 in the afternoon.

      I do appreciate you looking into the issue, Squeaky, and thanks for keeping us updated.
  • Thanks for letting us know you're still working on it!
  • Every time I try to read comments in this comm I get "Error running style: Style code didn't finish running in a timely fashion. Possible causes:
    Infinite loop in style or layer

    Database busy"

    Anyway! I was wondering - can you rename suspended journals?
    • Hahahaha. Your comment came up as an "error running style" message. :D :D :D :D
  • Thanks for the update. I was actually just coming to see if you'd said anything about it. <3 LOTS OF LOVE!!
  • Thank you for keeping us abreast what's going on.
  • Does anyone know why the icon browser doesn't work?
  • Thanks for all your hard work, Squeaky! We really appreciate it :)
  • i don't know how much leaving this comment will do, considering the issue some users and i are having, but i'll give it a shot.

    e-mail notifications for comments or anything else aren't working. i changed my e-mail of my account and i didn't get a validation message for it, and i'm not getting notified about comments. hopefully this comment will reach you somehow. just thought i should let you know. :\
    • Same for me as of today email notifications are not working when they did yesterday. I've talking to quite a few others who have found the same problem, regardless of their email provider.
      • This should be resolved now
        • validate email still aren't coming through for me. I have a yahoo email. :/
        • Not for me with hotmail, either.
        • I'm with the others. Still not coming through.
        • I'd say it was about 85% working for me. I am getting some but not all. I'll keep an eye out over this evening though, thank you.
        • Yay! Mine is mostly fixed... notifs are still trickling in, but the important thing to me was the validation e-mail. Which I got. Thank you VERY much.
        • it's still not working for me :\ i'm using gmail, if that means anything. thank you for looking into this though
        • i changed the email to a few of my accounts and want to buy a rename but i can't until the email situation is remedied because i'm scared it'll never get sent to me.
        • hey squeaky. Just wanted to let you know that is also having the issues of notifications. They have been going through just fine for that server until yesterday and are still flubbed. I know you're looking into things but just wanted to let you know that gmail is now affected as well. Thanks!
        • I'm still having trouble getting email notifs. They're coming through hours later, if at all and I'm on a email account, if that helps. I know a lot of other people aren't getting the, either.

          I was going to go put in a support request, but the page is down. This is on multiple journals - RP and this one, here, which is my personal and seems to apply on both paid and free accounts.
    • I have the exact same problem. I noticed my notifs were not coming through, so I attempted to change my e-mail, and no validation message. And when I attempted to report it to support, I was informed that they were currently experiencing technical difficulties. I cannot find any way other than e-mail to currently validate my account. I hope that somebody notices this and my account, my permanent account, isn't deleted.
  • I'm chiming in with the masses of others and saying I'm having issues with email notifications. I have a few accounts and I've recieved nothing since about 5pm.
  • i hope you can figure out what the email notification problems are soon since we still aren't getting the notifications. :[ i just need to activate an account that i registered soon so it won't get deleted if i can't activate it soon. :\
  • To be honest, I think it's gotten a lot better the last few nights. But that's just what I've noticed!
  • Do you have any idea why we aren't getting comment notices via e-mail? I was receiving notices this afternoon but now I'm not getting anything. And I've spoken to others who aren't getting theirs either.
  • There's an increase in comments vanishing and people being unable to post comments, in addition to the slowness. Also - notifications are not being sent to email (I use gmail) without a massive delay.
  • it's 9:39 p.m. on Monday, March 3rd, and the site loaded quickly...! oh, happy.
    did you change something? whatever it is, it worked. :D
  • Where are all the comments? Are monkeys stealing them?
  • It may or may not be related, but greatestjournal is having trouble, too. The site is slowing down and e-mail notifications haven't been working for a little while now. Not sure if knowing that will help at all, but I thought I'd let you know.
  • Not sure whats changed, but since this site slowness has been resolved I've noticed a problem. Whenever I am logged in, and go to the "post an entry" page, it behaves as though I am NOT logged in, ie it pulls up the version of the page with the space to add username and password, and without userpic & custom filter options. Except I AM still logged in because the username & password boxes are pre-filled-in, and the bar at the top still says I'm logged in. Have tried clearing cache etc etc without success, and it's the same problem with all IJ accounts and all browsers and all the computers at home. Just over the last few days, since this recent bout of slowness was fixed.

    Its annoying mainly because I need to post then go back to edit & changce the userpic. But more seriously if I need to post a filtered post I have to post it private first then go back and edit it.
    • Out of curiosity, are you using Firefox?

      I had the same problem with GJ while on Firefox and what the problem was was that I had a specific journal name and password saved on the password manager. Which, apparently, was causing a conflict.
      • I am using Firefox, but whatever the problem was, it seems to have been resolved.
  • is there any possible way you can do something to help us get rid of the friends of list, even if it means reseting the journal.
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