InsaneJournal Announcements

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InsaneJournal Announcements

I created my journal here over the summer and I've been practicing my ninja skills by hiding in the corners and observing the goings-on. I think I was here only a week when I decided to upgrade to a paid account, which I will be renewing. I have been made to feel truly welcome, and I can honestly say my friend's list here is the same size as my flist at the other place, although with mostly different people.

I have one suggestion, and one question. Is there anything that can be done about the text size in news and announcement posts? It's so tiny that I have to get reallyreally close to my monitor to read it. Changing the text size/zoom control on my browser settings does nothing to change it.

And the question: is it more helpful to you financially for the users to have a permanent account that they pay for once and are done; or to have a paid account that they keep renewing over and over again giving you a predictable source of income for future site upgrades?

Thanks for all that you do here for us, Squeaky. You've shown everyone what Customer Service should be.
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