cozzybob ([info]cozzybob) wrote in [info]announcements,
Re: Greatestjournal Imitation Styles in Several Colours
Oooooooooh! It's like color-choice IPods, only IJ! *flails happily*

On a serious note, that might even be the easiest way to make everyone happy since they have lots of choices. Yay! ^^ Also, not to overwhelm you or anything, but do you think we could consider more layout options for the journals too? We could do a submissions thing or contests or something, I'm sure people would love to help, but it's also a lot of work so, hee! Maybe one thing at a time. Layouts and prettyness (which is really very minor) is the only problem I've ever had with IJ, and it's easily fixable.

Which reminds me! I haven't told you I appreciate you today! *appreciates*

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