InsaneJournal Announcements


InsaneJournal Announcements


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We shut off the new server as I found that there were some incompatibilities with different versions of the libraries that were causing problems. We are going to work over the next day or two to fix these and get the new server up and running. For now, we figure that a site that is running a little slow during peak times is better than one with errors all over the place. Please report any errors you are still seeing in this post.

  • Did GJ just croak totally? It won't load whatsoever.
  • Not sure if this is being fixed as we speak, but I'm not getting email validators for journals automatically. I can get it to send maunally (by trying to post a comment with an unvalidated journal), but it won't sent automatically. :)
  • I just want to echo everyone else and say thank you, because you really do deserve to hear it over and over again. I'm another GJ refugee and I can't even believe how wonderful the transfer over here has been. Thank you for all your hard work and for welcoming us all with such warmth. You're truly incredible.
    • You're very very welcome. Thanks for being here!
  • Thanks for keeping us updated sir. I really hope all this transfering and such doesn't put too much strain on your servers, I plan on buying paid accounts for a friend and I soon, >.o and hey you know. With all the strain, you might end up as big as LJ. O.o Which would be kinda strange in itself since everyone's ignored my IJ rules plea for months. XDD;
  • Thank you for adopting us GJ oprhans. It's nice to see someone that runs a place where they believe in communication.

    I had a question I couldn't find in the FAQ. If this is the wrong place to ask these types of questions I'll be happy to be pointed in the right direction, I'm still rather lost.

    Is it not possible to embed youtube videos here? Thanks in advance.
    • Is it not possible to embed youtube videos here? Thanks in advance.

      Thanks for mentioning that; I thought it was just me. I'm curious about this question as well, Squeaky, thank you.
    • I was wondering this as well, I think it's one of the things on [info]squeaky's "to-do" list. (Please, correct me if I'm wrong!) However, I'll gladly wait for videos because new servers make everything all shiny and new. :D
    • We will have support for that in the next code update which will be coming soon.
  • Thanks for keeping us informed! I'm here since June, and I'm loving it. You're doing the right thing.
  • i'm sure plenty of other gj refugees have said this, but thank you for being so honest and upfront with your members and keeping us informed of what's going on with the site and actually giving a shit! that's definitely much more than we could say for ~system of greatestjournal. i wish i'd joined ij sooner.
    • You're very welcome. We're glad you are all finding a place to hang out here.
  • i just wanted to say thank you for communicating with your members. as you probably know or have figured by the growth of ij, gj crashed and it's unknown whether or not system will be putting it back up ...he doesn't communicate with anyone haha. so thank you, you are much more reliable than gj and i'm glad to be here :-)
  • *waves* Thanks for keeping us all informed, I was wondering what was up with things.

  • Thank you for actually talking to us!
  • Thank you so much for keeping everyone posted. You are a shining example of what a server adminstrator should be, Squeaky.
  • I know you've heard it a few times, but as a fellow GJ refugee I just wanted to say THANK YOU! for taking all of us on and what-not. It means a lot!
  • when using the LJ user tag it has in it.
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