Squeaky ([info]squeaky) wrote in [info]announcements,
@ 2007-12-05 23:04:00

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Welcome GreatestJournal Users
I have been in touch with the owner of GreatestJournal and their servers are overloaded. Due to this they are currently telling anyone who attempts to create a journal over there to come to InsaneJournal. We are prepared to accept you and hope you enjoy your time here. I know that the owner of GreatestJournal wants to give his user's the best experience possible.

But for the time being, feel free to make your home here.

Note: Please know that there is no conspiracy, GreatestJournal and InsaneJournal are independent sites, they are owned by independent people. This is what this is it is and nothing more.

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2007-12-09 07:19 pm UTC (link)
This might not be the place for it, but I'm wondering if anything can be done about "username hoarding," especially when it's obviously malicious? I've a friend whose had a bunch of her RP usernames taken and there are things in the userinfos that make it very obvious that is was done maliciously just to screw with her. Can anything be done in these situations? I know usernames are first come, first serve, but this is different from a case of more than one person wanting the same name and if it's happening once, it wouldn't surprise me if other people start to experience the same thing.

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