Squeaky ([info]squeaky) wrote in [info]announcements,
@ 2007-12-05 23:04:00

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Welcome GreatestJournal Users
I have been in touch with the owner of GreatestJournal and their servers are overloaded. Due to this they are currently telling anyone who attempts to create a journal over there to come to InsaneJournal. We are prepared to accept you and hope you enjoy your time here. I know that the owner of GreatestJournal wants to give his user's the best experience possible.

But for the time being, feel free to make your home here.

Note: Please know that there is no conspiracy, GreatestJournal and InsaneJournal are independent sites, they are owned by independent people. This is what this is it is and nothing more.

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Re: Looking for help
2007-12-06 07:55 pm UTC (link)
Thanks, squeaky! This is the refugee talking. No i have tow journals. One here and the one I made back on GJ. I've always wanted to own two homes!

For now I'm cross-posting, because Semagic allows me to do so. Time will tell whether I keep both or pick one place.

Anyway, thanks for making room for the likes of us.

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