Squeaky ([info]squeaky) wrote in [info]announcements,
@ 2007-12-05 23:04:00

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Welcome GreatestJournal Users
I have been in touch with the owner of GreatestJournal and their servers are overloaded. Due to this they are currently telling anyone who attempts to create a journal over there to come to InsaneJournal. We are prepared to accept you and hope you enjoy your time here. I know that the owner of GreatestJournal wants to give his user's the best experience possible.

But for the time being, feel free to make your home here.

Note: Please know that there is no conspiracy, GreatestJournal and InsaneJournal are independent sites, they are owned by independent people. This is what this is it is and nothing more.

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2007-12-06 11:27 am UTC (link)
We are RPG friendly here. I know we used to have a ton of RPGs here but I don't know where they went.

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2007-12-06 12:42 pm UTC (link)
That's what I told them! Why not base the RPG here, but they said it was because of the number of icons, but that sounds silly, half my icons aren't working and I only had like 20. After all how many more than a 100 do you need to play one character?

Oh well, I hope everything goes well with them and things get working again, I had my account over there for about 4 years now and wasn't using it, cause IJ stole my heart and decided to duplicate my LJ here (okay, the fact that most of HP fandom and it's fests moved to IJ is helping as well).

I've been a journal user for quite some time and the whole thing with LJ makes me so sad. I don't want them to be perfect, but the way it was before worked fine *sigh*

Sorry for unloading my burdens to you *g* I know that a lot of people are wary of IJ cause of the ads on the side, but really, they exist everywhere else! :)

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2007-12-06 01:25 pm UTC (link)
Thanks for being here, hopefully they'll all eventually come over. Isn't GJ down to 100 icons anyways?

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2007-12-06 01:35 pm UTC (link)
My wife and I used to RP on GJ until they knocked the icons down to 100. Our two private RPGs are here now, and we both got permanent accounts (with which the icons go to 300) paid $10 for the extra userpics (bumping it up to 500) then when the Insane Userpics offer came up we grabbed it, so now we both have 5000 icons, which is more than GJ ever had. ^_^

As for ads, permanent account holders don't see 'em. ;)

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2007-12-06 03:20 pm UTC (link)
Awesome! That's one of the big perks for paying here. I feel if you've given us your cash, we don't need advertising dollars from you too.

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