Someone wrote in [info]announcements,
Ex-GJ user here!

First off, thank you again for offering up your site! It is greatly appreciated.

I just had a question concerning ij's policy on deleting and purging journals. I've been with GJ since the begining, and never once have they done a purge - and to be honest, it was frustrating. Not only that, but they offered a donation option, where if we donated some money, we would get the user names of our choice; I personally know a lot of people who didn't even receive their usernames, and others who have but the quality of the website continued to decrease substantially and at a rather alarming rate! So, in lieu of this, I was just wondering if purges were going to be a common occurance around here? I know that on CommieJournal, they purge accounts that haven't been verified and I think that is a really great system, and keeps the amount of journal hogs down.


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