InsaneJournal Announcements

Welcome Agian

InsaneJournal Announcements

Welcome Agian

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This is a repost of for the benefit of our newer users

I see that we have a bunch of new users and a lot of people checking us out. I do welcome all of you. I want to point out to you, that although this site is based in the LiveJournal engine, we are not affiliated or associated with LiveJournal or Six Apart in any way. We are an independently run site.

We understand why a lot of you are coming over here, and we do not believe in censorship beyond the letter of the law. We will not remove any content from the site unless we receive an official DMCA take down notice or are contacted by an official law enforcement or other legal agency.

That said, we welcome all of you and if you have any issues, please feel free to visit our support area.
  • Thanks, squeaky

    I hope to be permanently committed soon. :)
  • Thank you so much for understanding!
  • Pretty sure that I read the original posting, but thanks for putting it up again. It helps to 'hear' this again. I know that I am trying to switch over and am definitely considering a paid account of some sort. I'm just still burnt from all of the money I spent on LJ, only to be smacked in the face. Guh.

    Anyway, I have been telling my flist on LJ that IJ is definitely the way to go if they don't want to deal with this sort of censorship.

    Thanks again! You rock!
  • Thanks, Squeaky. You've made this such a welcoming place, and with all the fear and, yes, hysteria circulating on my f-lists these days it's great to be able to have this kind of reassurance. (I've just posted the link at my LJ.)

    The fact that you are willing to work only with official institutions means a lot. Nobody's supporting pedophilia, but there are appropriate channels to deal with it ... and then there are self-appointed vigilante nutjobbers. Your rational approach gives me a lot of hope for the future of fandom at IJ.

    Not to mention that I've just been having a lot of fun here.

  • *worships at the Temple of Squeaky*

    Seriously. You are amazing. This site is amazing. I'm so so glad to have a new home. *puts up window treatments*

  • I see there's a temple of Squeaky. =P I wanna join! Thank you for being so clear about this!
  • Um. Hi? You are made of WIN. :D
  • Bought a permanent account the minute I found you.

    IJ is a great place to be. Thanks for the welcome!
  • I wanted to thank you for your sane and competent business practices. I love reading and watching films and I feel better knowing that I can post my thoughts about the latest book I found at the library without worrying my account will disappear. Being updated about what is going on is also nice. Thanks for the welcome to us new members.
  • Can I just say how much you rock? Never change., seriously, don't change. please?
  • I love to read things like this! This announcement just made my day! Thank you! You guys rock!
  • You are made of complete win and gold, and so is IJ.

    I would buy a paid account, but right now I'm still hurting from the money I gave LJ for renewed paid account, more user pics, and rename token last spring. *headdesk*

    Thanks again for making such a warm and welcoming site.
  • Thank you!

    I created my new account about a week ago, in order to move my fanfic writing journal to a safer place than LJ.

    It's *so* nice to not feel like I have to hide my journal under lock and key! And to have a site admin that cares about their customers. :-)
  • That is coolness personified.

    I think I love you.

    (only in a creepy stalkery way tho so no need to worry)

  • Wait... wait. Are you saying that management will be following the law and ignoring whiny little groups that claim they are for the children when really what they are is too lazy to be parents?

    Wow. Utopia really does exist.

    As a new user (and a soon to be perm account holder) I thank you. A lot. Now, I can get back to my pr0n.
  • Must. Not. Make. Asylum. Pun.

    Must. Not.

    I'm yet another LJ refugee, but my decision to come here wasn't based on fear of having my LJ account suspended. Rather, I've come here because my conscience won't allow me to remain in a place that actively practices censorship. It's such a relief to know that there is a site like this out there to serve as a safe haven for freedom of speech and expression.

    Today is the one year anniversary of my career as a nefarious writer of fanfic, and there's something poignant about celebrating by making IJ my new home.

    Thank you for being such a welcoming, honest, gracious host, and for offering us asylum here.

    Damn. So much for not making any asylum puns.
  • Although I've seen this said more than a dozen times over in the comments, I'd like to add my own cheer to the mix. Thank you for being very clear on your business practices, and for planning to work with the law, rather than taking things solely into your own hands.

    You make me pleased to have given you my money. :D
  • Another one adding her own voice to the Thank yous going about. It's nice to see professional handling of such a grey area. Especially as the blatant mishandling Six Apart has done has offended my senses as a Government worker for the school system in my state. Thus I sometimes wanted to hitchhike over the summer to Cali and their office and sit them down with my books on how to go about handling suspicions of child abuse/rape/and other such things and beat them with the very texts that say they were wrong in all senses of the word.

    I already bought a perm account with extra userpics, but hopefully as more roleplaying games appear and school starts back up so I'm not living off the second job paycheck and savings I'll start getting character journals and getting them shiny multicolored stars by their names in the near future.

    I salute you oh squeaky and I pray for many fun years on this service with many ways of me donating money to help in some way to keep the servers from acting like journalfen.
  • After all of the mishandling of Six apart I had forgotten what it was like to be listened too. Thank you Squeaky for being clear and concise. Its made me feel very welcome here. I already have a permanent account with extra user pics but as I start to settle into roleplaying here, I hope to have character journals get that shiny star by their names. Again thank you.
  • yet another of the refugees

    Thanks for the warm welcome! And Tweak is such a better mascot then Frank.
  • Thank you. I think you already know how heartfelt those two little words are from me, and how much I appreciate you and value and treasure your honesty and forthrightness. ♥
  • thanks again :))
  • thanks for giving people asylum!censorship is sucks
  • Another grateful thank-you

    Before the Deathly Hallows was cold in my hands, LJ was warming up their torches for the newest witchhunt. I came straight over and bought a permanent account. GJ and JF are good parking spaces, but IJ feels immediately like home.

    I love it. Love it here. Love your willingness to make a clear, common sense statement of policy. Love seeing other friends here, and I smirk - lovingly - as I leave ever-smaller posts on my LJ referring people here ;-)

    And icons, and all :D I had never bought time at LJ and their June permanent offer couldn't tempt me for anything.

    Thanks for being refreshingly *sane* in the best ways!
  • Yay for squeaky! XD

    I'm honestly glad you're taking a firm stance on this. Its awesome.
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