InsaneJournal Announcements


InsaneJournal Announcements


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I see that we have a bunch of new users and a lot of people checking us out. I do welcome all of you. I want to point out to you, that although this site is based in the LiveJournal engine, we are not affiliated or associated with LiveJournal in any way. We are an independently run site.

We understand why a lot of you are coming over here, and we do not believe in censorship beyond the letter of the law. We will not remove any content from the site unless we receive an official DMCA take down notice or are contacted by an offical legal agency notifying us of illegal activity.

That said, we welcome all of you and if you have any issues, please feel free to visit our support area.
  • I've had my IJ since '04, but never really did anything to it, and still really haven't.

    With the rumors of SixApart going public and the very real threat and possibility of this being far from over as they want to make LJ look "nice" for investors in the stock market... as an active participant in fandom... I'll admit to feeling scared and sick right now.

    I've defended the changes on LJ time and time again. I knew changes were inevitable. It's not even that they're going public that's bothering me, it's being lied to. And I don't even really deal in fics that hold most of the questionable content. I do write some incest (in two of the series I'm interested in, het incest is canon - Carnivale and Angel Sanctuary) and one not-quite, with Ed and Al in FMA. I try to avoid writing the characters in sexual circumstances, depending on the partner they're with, below the standard age of consent. I usually write het and gen, and don't often go for really dark or squicky topics. But even so...

    Right now, my biggest worry is overwhelming the servers here. The code and the functionality of IJ seems to be superior to either GJ or JF. I have to admit I'm curious about any long-range plans you might have for keeping IJ afloat if you sell perm accounts at such a low price.

    I'm just feeling really miserable and upset over this right now. I've had my LJ since May of 2001. I found LJ through fandom (through links in the now-defunct CFAN) and I've made a lot of friends in various fandoms and non-fandoms alike there. I have a lot of non-fannish obligations on LJ now that will keep me tied to the site until I'm forciably removed.

    I believe you when you say you're not going to censor beyond the letter of the law. But the problems of GJ and JF as options, and the fact I'm really heartsick over this whole charlie foxtrot on LJ... I'm gunshy right now on committing to any new site.
    • Well you can take solice in the fact that I don't ever see that happing here to IJ. We don't have a staff, I am the only person who runs the site. We have a few volunteers who are great and help out in support, but other than that, it's just me.
      • Yikes! I hope for your sake that fandom doesn't decide to move here on a whole. : ) Though, I'm sure most of us are more than happy to pay to stay somewhere safe (and I'm really surprised you've got permanent accounts on sale. I'm definitely picking one up this summer).
        • That's all we sell here. I find it to be the best business model for IJ. I am not worried about all of them showing up. I know how to run systems so I can keep things going well.
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