InsaneJournal Announcements

May 11th, 2009

InsaneJournal Announcements


May 11th, 2009

State of the Site

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I want to make a post here regarding the current state of InsaneJournal.

First and foremost I want to let everyone know that I have not abondoned the site and I actually work on the site every day to keep it running.

We are still bringing in enough paid accounts to pay for the servers that we are using, but we may be having a unique sale at some point to raise capital to purchase our own servers and move into a colocation facility rather than stick with our current dedicated hosting facility. This is all dependent on being able to be sure there is enough interest in doing this from the user community

We are aware that comment rot still exists on the site. We have not been able to figure out the exact cause except that heavy load on the site is a factor. If we can move to new servers we can reduce the load and reduce the amount of lost comments.

We are aware that there are other bugs on the site, but at this time there just isn't the time for myself to look at them and we are not bringing in enough money to hire another programmer. These various issues will be looked and eventually fixed, but I do not want to promise a time frame as my days are very very busy right now.

Also there has been some rumors about us moving to a different code base, we might do this, but not without extensive testing. And if we do move to a different code base the function of the site should still remain similar, as what we are looking at is just a different version of the livejournal code.

I know I have not been responding to comments on this journal as much as I used to. Please know that I do read them all but as I said above, right now I just haven't had the time to respond to any of them.


The subscriptions limit has been updated to 50 for all accounts. If this works properly we will update it again to give more to paid/perm accounts.

Also I think I have partially fixed the message center so you can now delete and mark your notifications as read.

Edit 2:

I have added the number of unread notifications to the menu item in the newer siteschemes (dramatic, worksafe, monodramatic).
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