InsaneJournal Announcements

May 4th, 2006

InsaneJournal Announcements


May 4th, 2006

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Today we brought InsaneJournal up to the latest version of the open source code. Included are several features.

* Autosave - Now when you write an entry, the server keeps an updated copy of it in case your browser crashes or your Internet connection dies. When you come back to the update page, you will be asked if you want to restore the latest version of your entry. YAY!! no more lost entries
* Userpic factory - Now you can upload any photo to InsaneJournal no matter what the size. If the photo doesn't immediately conform to our specifications, you will be brought to a java photo editor, where you can crop your photo and have it automatically resized to the appropriate size for you
* Navigation Strip - This will allow you to put a navigation bar at the top of your journal and your friend's page. You will be able to easily switch between views as well as navigate to other portions of the site.
New Rich Text Editor - We have implemented the new FCKEditor for rich test updates to your journal. Its easier to use and much more robust than the original rich text editor. You can enable it but clicking the "rich text" link below the Entry box

There are many other backend stability and performance enhancements as well as all the latest security updates. As always if you have a problem with the site, open a support request and one of our helpful volunteers will gladly guide you to a resolution.
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