InsaneJournal Announcements

September 1st, 2005

InsaneJournal Announcements


September 1st, 2005

Another Donation Drive

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Here at InsaneJournal, we are very concerned about the events taking place along the northern Gulf coast. With our owners being through several hurricanes themselves last year we have an understanding of what these people are going through. This is a horrible disaster. To help these people we are going to be running another Donation drive similar to the one we ran for the Tsunami victims late last year.

What we will be doing is giving half of all of our proceeds for the month of September from all items in our Store to the American Red Cross to help relief efforts. To help boost the amount of money we are able to give we are extending the Permanently Insane account sale to include the entire month of September. In addition to this we are lowering the price to $30.

If you do not wish to purchase an account with us we will gladly take your donation and forward it to the American Red Cross, or simply go and donate yourself. There are literally millions of people here in our backyard that need our help. An entire city of 1.5 million people is under water. Homes along the Gulf Coast from Southeast Louisana to Northwest Florida have been devistated. These people need us. Please donate or get your self an account knowing that it will not only help you but help these people.

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