InsaneJournal Announcements

S2 Fixed

InsaneJournal Announcements

S2 Fixed

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I was able to correct many many errors in the S2 style system. Unfortunatly I was forced to reset all of our user's S2 data to do this. This is a one time thing and should never, ever happen agian. I apoligize for losing your settings. If you would like to go back to using S2, you must visit /customize/ and select S2 as your default style system.
  • ... XDD Think of alllll the Official Asylums I must re-do. Ah well~

    @_@ There are still some other quirks around the site? Plus, I'm getting bombarded by your e-mails again. ;| AHH.

    • I'm sorry about the emails .. ugh for some reason a bad file keeps getting put into the automatic update system .. and I cant figure out why .. next time this happnes, just send me a text message.
  • Yeay!
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