InsaneJournal Announcements

October Patreon Rewards

InsaneJournal Announcements

October Patreon Rewards

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October Patreon rewards for all successful payments have been delivered. Thank you all again for committing to support the site. This removes a large portion of the "get the server bills paid" each month off of our back.

Please let us know if you see any ads while logged in, we believe that code is sound but want to make sure nothing is leaking through.
  • I am still seeing the large ads
    • Please get me a screenshot of what you are seeing. When logged in the ad code should be suppressed
  • I'm not seeing anything :)
  • hey squeaky! not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but when trying to post comments I am frequently met with a page that doesn't 'accept' the comment or auto-reload to show it added to a post/thread? the 'post comment' button greys out but it's like it gets caught there. happy to provide more information/screenshots if that's helpful.
  • I'm not seeing ads when logged in (the one time I thought I was, I had forgotten I'd logged out) and I have the comment issue intermittently - less than 20% of the time I'd say - and have been able to either rescue by copy/paste or the comment itself refreshing about half of those times.
  • The 502 bad gateway errors are hitting hard today.
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