InsaneJournal Announcements


InsaneJournal Announcements


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Yes ads. Our Patreon funds have been below the threshold we set for ad removal for quite some time. With the recent increase in costs of running the site due to moving our hosting, we've decided its time to start exploring running ads on the site again.

Patreon removed the view of goals a long time ago so it may not have been clear to everyone. We will be changing the verbiage on our Patreon to reflect this as well.

As always those of you with Self-Committed and Permanently Insane accounts should never see ads on the site.

This is initially being done as an experiment, we will make further decisions down the road about if we want to continue with ads.
  • I'm sure that we would be happy to buy permanent accounts more often to prevent too many ads from being shown on the site. I love this site and one of the things I do like is the lack of ads.
    • I agree. If there's a sale and I'm able to, I try to get a perm account.
      • We do have a Perm account level on our Patreon. You’ll get a perm account every month if you’re subscribed.
        • Thank you for the info! Once I'm in a slightly more stable financial situation, I will definitely look into that. And, I'm also not against ads as I know it does help the site so, really, whatever helps keep it up and running!
    • Permanent accounts don’t help in the month to month which is why we don’t keep them on sale. Self-committed accounts really provide the kind of recurring income we need.
  • if patreon is below levels for upkeep then ads are needed


    so many people have blockers would you get enough revenue?

    if everyone gets perma insane accounts when on sale will you have enough money coming in monthly to pay server fee?
    • It’s not as bad as you’d think. It’s also why we’re considering this an experiment. We only going to do this if we can stick with a 1st class ad provider.
  • i know you know, because we ask for it all the time, and in case i missed you addressing it -- have you ever thought of doing another purge? i saw the comment above regarding perm accounts revenue, i know one big push wouldn't be financially able to keep it afloat, but between rename packs, etc, it could potentially put money in the bank for a couple months (maybe even a year?) to help run the site. although that runs the risk of people trying to register + sell to make profit elsewhere. additionally, would you consider higher tiers for rename packs? are those profitable as well on a monthly basis? apologies for the questions, i'm just trying to understand with my corporate knowledge and experience what the ultimate roi is for revenue aside from ads. this site is my hobby and while i've tried to quit it many times, i keep coming back and don't mind investing a little more often.
    • Rename tokens are a large source of revenue for us, however it’s not recurring. Recurring revenue is what we needs. Patreon does help with that as it’s a monthly thing.
      • even if rename tokens aren't recurring, perhaps doing another purge could still encourage revenue for the site in the interim?
  • i thought people cancelled their patreon subs because rewards weren't being paid out? i think i was at the 25 dollar coupon level and only got it 1 out of the 3 months i subscribed. i wish there were more features for perm or paid accounts, or more services you could buy in general, i don't need rename packs, perm/paid accounts :/
    • If you didn't get your rewards, please let us know. We have been sending them out monthly. If there was a problem open a support request on the site and we'll investigate and resolve it.
    • I’ve subscribed to Patreon since he first set it up years ago, and have never missed a month of rewards. When Patreon fails he does it by hand, and if that fails he encourages you to contact IJ support so they can fix that. One time I thought I had deleted my monthly reward and asked if anything could be done and he wrote back saying they could look up that months reward exactly and resend it.
      • thanks for your input but it's not necessary or helpful to me have a great day!
  • i don't mind the ads if it means you receiving money you need, however pages keep crashing for me when the ad pops up and i have to keep force quitting the page and reopen it again.
    • echoing this. don't mind ads, but they're repeatedly crashing page.
      • We haven’t been able to duplicate, can you provide a few scenarios where your browser is crashing? What does it look like? Is there a specific had or type of ad?
  • What is the threshold to remove ads? I'm not sure if I'm just not seeing it on Patreon.
    • Patreon removed the ability for us to show that. We had it set at $750/month however we are nowhere near that anymore. Nor have we been for some time.
  • I'd love to buy a permanently insane account for this and another username - the home page of the site still says they're available at discount but it's not listed in the drop down at the shop. Am I doing something wrong or have they been removed?

    Thanks for all you do ♥
    • That sale has ended. We do have a reward tier on our Patreon that will send you a code for a permanently insane account each month
  • Ever since ads were allowed the site is randomly preventing comments from being posted. It's not just happening to me. I'll click the "Post Comment" button and nothing happens.

    It's happened on multiple journals and on multiple days.
    • i also have been have trouble with previewing a journal entry. when i try, it opens a blank pop up window, and then when i try to post it as a private entry just to see what it looks like, it opens the preview in a new tab and won't post the entry.
    • I've been having this same issue.
    • same. it's really becoming frustrating because it's daily and almost every other comment for me.
    • Same here, and it's very annoying.
    • I have multiple players in my game who are having this issue and it's effecting their ability to participate as much as they'd like. Please let me know if I can help provide more information regarding this issue.
    • This has been happening to me constantly lately, and it's driving me nuts. Here's hoping it'll get sorted out.
  • It’s very unusual for you guys not to give us a head up when our monthly fee is due. I didn’t get an email notifying me.
    Thanks Vicki
    • I'll look into that. It should be sending them still.
  • I get the need for ads, and I can live with them being so big, but are the pop ups new? I never experienced them until today.
    • We are experimenting with various ad formats. Not everyone will experiende ads the same way.
  • Any word on the issues we've been having when it comes to posting comments? A lot of the times when I try to post a new journal entry, or even edit an existing one, it opens up the preview page or a blank page. It takes me a few attempts sometimes to post correctly.
  • also seconding the 'any word on comments' crowd. i'm having to refresh 5 to 6 times to post one comment. i'd love to give more money to the site but this is beginning to put me off it.
  • Any chance we can manage the ads that we see? Some of these that are popping up are not appropriate for a workplace or a public setting.
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