InsaneJournal Announcements

Moving Sale!

InsaneJournal Announcements

Moving Sale!

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As you've probably guessed from my previous post. InsaneJournal is moving. And with that move comes a moving sale!!

We are going to be paying double server costs for the duration of the move which is going to add up. So we are asking you to help by purchasing Permanently Insane accounts for just $35. Our new home in the cloud will be much more stable and will enable us to grow the site and constantly move onto the latest hardware as changes to technologies emerge.

In addition we are building automation so that if we need to move again in the future it will be very painless.

Please bear with us over the coming weeks as we move the site piece by piece into our new home!
  • the site isn't letting me buy a permanently insane account.
  • I won't be able to buy an account until friday. I hope it's still up by then. :) ty!
  • how long will this sale last? i don’t think you mentioned it and this is the rent check 🫠
    • We dont have an end date set yet, we will announce when we decide.
  • i have been trying to get ahold of you through facebook to discuss things pertaining to the site, cost, etc. as a means to help, is there an e-mail i could reach out to you at?
  • (no subject) - [info]
    • this. this would generate a ton of revenue
  • does this have something to do with why validation emails don't seem to be working?
  • it wont let me add it to the cart but it will add rename tokens.
    • It should be working now. Sorry for the trouble.

      You might need to refresh if your cart isn't properly loading in order to start a new cart.
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