InsaneJournal Announcements

InsaneJournal Announcements

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Hello we are looking to rebuild our support community in order to better provide help to all of our users. If you're interested please request to join the [info]support asylum.
  • Oh excellent!
  • Tried making a request. Don't know if it worked.
    • Oh, never mind. It's for support team members only. Sorry.
      • We are looking for volunteers to join the support team. If you're interested let me know.
  • Yesss, nice!!

    I know this is off-topic, sorry about that, but would you please consider allowing users to opt out of their updates being viewable to everyone on the stats page, or disabling that section of the page if that's not doable?

    It makes a lot of us really uncomfortable, especially people who have had issues with other users having no boundaries. It's an easy way for them to stalk people who don't want contact with them.

    One of the biggest issues is that even if you make a friends only or private post, it puts you on the "recently updated" list, so if it would be doable to even just change it so that it doesn't track locked entries, that would go a long way to make people less uncomfortable with the feature.
    • Omg, seconding this. It's incredibly disconcerting to have people able to just stalk your stuff and you have no say in it and can't do anything about it.
    • Seconding this, please. It makes me really uncomfortable for boundary reasons. Most of the things I post are friends only, and if something could be done to prevent it from tracking locked posts, I know a lot of us would really appreciate it.
    • i wholly agree with this and would like to know if this is a possible feature that could be added/looked into.
    • This. So hard ♥ I have such anxiety when creating a new journal like PLEASE COME OFF THE LIST ALREADY. I make locked posts and oops, right bcack on the page.
    • Agreeing with this! Would love an opt-out option from the stats page.
    • I would appreciate this feature, as well. Lot of us would prefer to keep our activity private.
    • Please let us opt out. I left IJ for a decade because of an aggressive stalker, and I've been back for a year and have my journal locked down. I don't want the chance of them coming back.
    • Yes please! Any of these solutions would make me a lot more comfortable.
    • AGREED, it makes me extremely uncomfortable to know that someone can just stalk my activity. I have had issues with people having no boundaries in the past and would like to not have to worry about it every time I am active with a journal.
    • signed!
    • Omg yes, I didn't even realise this was a thing until Tess pointed it out and it's just major :/
    • i just wanted to let you know i brought this up in our support chat! i'll make sure this idea at least gets discussed.
      • Thank you so much for letting me know! I know a bunch of us really appreciate this being considered, so thank you guys again.
      • thank you
    • co-signed!
    • PLEASE???? i would give up an arm for this opt-out.
    • Per this request and the large amount of feedback. We've locked down the stats page to only site admins.
      • Thank you so much for doing this for us. It really does help a lot; I really, really appreciate it and I'm sure everyone else who chimed in supporting the request for this change does too. 💖
  • Are Permanently Insane accounts coming back up for sale again soon? I've been dying to purchase one
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