InsaneJournal Announcements

Private Messaging

InsaneJournal Announcements

Private Messaging

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Due to excessive abuse of the private messaging system, we have decided to turn off the ability to send PMs to those who are not mutual friends with. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
  • Is it possible to add a feature that allows everyone to choose who they can and can't receive PMs from? Instead of just disabling it all together like this?
    • Not at this time. We will look into a feature to allow anyone to PM you on request.
    • (no subject) - [info]
      • There is a desire to give that choice. Just need to spend a good amount of time writing to code to make that possible. For now this is the best compromise to keep abusers off the platform. If you need to PM, become mutual friends, it will unlock PMs.
  • is there any way to consider implementing notifications when journals receive pms in the future, other than just logging on to an account and seeing it pop up?
  • same issue as the others! user pics aren't uploading.
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