InsaneJournal Announcements

The InsaneJournal Holiday Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

The InsaneJournal Holiday Sale

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The InsaneJournal Holiday Sale is live. From now until the end of the day Tuesday November 30th the following sale prices will be in effect!

Visit the InsaneJournal Store. To take advantage today.

Permanently Insane account - $30 (regular price $50)
Permanent Extra Userpics - $20 (regular price $30)

Paid account 12 Months $20 - (regular price $25)
Paid account 6 Months $12 - (regular price $15)
Paid account 1 Months $3 - (regular price $5)

Extra Userpics 12 Months $15 - (regular price $20)
Extra Userpics 6 Months $8 - (regular price $10)

Rename tokens - $4 (regular price $5)
Rename tokens (5 pack) - $15 (regular price $20)

Insane Userpics (5000 total user pics) - $100 (regular price $150)
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