InsaneJournal Announcements

Patreon Rewards delivered!

InsaneJournal Announcements

Patreon Rewards delivered!

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This month's Patreon rewards have been delivered, in addition our raffle winner has been chosen and notified on Patreon and has a $75 InsaneJournal coupon waiting in their email.

We are very appreciative of your continued support for our little corner of the Internet. Remember each month you get 1 entry for every dollar you pledge on Patreon.
  • Marginally related, but since I'm eyeing the 10 pack rename tokens, I'm wondering if this from LJ also works the same here on IJ.
  • is there possibly anything in the works to fix the login cookies issue? :[ thank you for all your hard work, squeaky!
    • Second. This issue is really annoying.
  • why are some forms still insecure but others are perfectly fine? i can't find a rhyme or reason for it.
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