InsaneJournal Announcements

Update on SSL

InsaneJournal Announcements

Update on SSL

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The update to SSL has caused some layouts to have errors.

The issue is most browsers won't load HTTP content from an HTTPS site. If you have custom layers or are using custom CSS that is loaded from off site, or loads images or other content from off site, your problem lies there. You'll need to update your custom code to change any URLs from http:// to https://

If you are having trouble hosting on a secure site, please let me know and I'll see what I can do to assist.
  • Can you please give me details of the problems you are having? Are you getting specific error messages?
    • Ah never mind. I managed to poke around and get it going. I had the bookmark without the https and then I think I missed the / on the end when I did do the https. I'll update my bookmarks/auto fill to the full complete address and that should solve my issues.
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