InsaneJournal Announcements

Freed Up Renames and Rename token sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Freed Up Renames and Rename token sale

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Ok, so we just freed up over 1500 usernames that were tied to purged accounts that are now available to rename.

Here is a link to a list of the usernames that was freed. They are available via rename token on a first come first serve basis. This list will not be updated, so make sure the name you want is still available before you buy a token for it.

Also we are very temporarily lowing the cost of rename tokens to $3. Remember rename tokens never expire so stock up!

And if you weren't aware of it, there is a tool that you can use to search for available purged usernames at

FYI We are ending the rename sale at 5PM EDT (GMT -0400) today.
  • (Anonymous)
    can journals that link to journals already in use be purged and made available or does the journal it links to also have to be deleted?
    • Those usernames are still owned by those accounts and will not be purged.
  • (Anonymous)
    is there a way to unlink uns together if we are the owner of the un?
  • (Anonymous)
    how long will the sale on renames last?
    • FYI We are ending the rename sale at 5PM EDT (GMT -0400) today.
      • (Anonymous)
        oh cool so it ended while i was at work and i didn't get to buy any. and i was going to spend about $30 or $35 on them. oh well!
  • (Anonymous)
    i'm sorry to bug you but you have a pm. i promise not to send another but my issue isn't really a support issue.
  • (Anonymous)
    will permanent account extra userpics ever go back down? i am sorry i can't see spending $40 for something that was once $5. i get why it's high, but i will never pay anywhere near $40 for it
  • I logged into a journal to get an invite code, saw I had one availible and used it, and apparently it's linked to 12 months of paid time i paid for and had the code sent to me?! This is not the journal I wanted to use it for and I don't understand why that code would show up as an invite code on my account. Is there a way to resolve this?
    • if you generate an invite code from journal A and create journal B, journal b will show up next to the invite code in your list of invite codes in journal A
      • That doesn't resolve my problem. If I purchased paid time there was nothing to indicate when I was logged in that the code I was using was for paid time and not just a regular invite code.
        • That IS a regular invite code... They're generated based on purchases. When you clicked "generate" at some point, it listed the codes generated and the reason why (usually paid time). It doesn't list the specific reasons in the list of codes thereafter.
          • You're not understanding my comment. I bought paid time but had the code emailed to me to be used at a later date. Some time later I logged into my journal, used an invite code in it, and the new journal was created WITH the paid time I had bought a while ago. There was no indication that the code was tied to my paid time and I did not intend to use it for the username I generated with the code.
  • alphabetical order

    It would be nice if these were in alphabetical order!
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